Monday, June 16, 2008

Women in Cooking

One day at work, a lady approached me while I was on the grill and asked me, "wow, that looks hard........ do any women do that?" Not really thinking much about the question I simply responded with, "No, we don't have any girls working the grill for us." Now, while I felt like my answer would end the current conversation, in was the women's next question that left me flabergasted; "Why not?". The simple question the women asked, made me stop and ask myself that very same question: "Why are there not more women working in the kitchen?"

Today's culinary world is, without a doubt, controlled by men. But why? Chefs are not very glamorous outside of the culinary world, the pay is less than great, and an artistic mind can be found in any sex. Many people still feel that the women's place is in the kitchen, and if that is so why are women absent from the kitchen. In response to the stereotype, I feel that many women are trying to break away from this mold. Modern day beliefs are shifting more towards equal rights, and thus many women are abandoning traditional values and leaving the cooking to the men. While, I understand this urge to break free from the stereotype, it is becoming a new stereotype that men are the leaders in the profesional kitchen. To any who feel that a woman belongs only in a house; if a woman an feed a house of hunger mouths why can't she cook for a dinning room of hunger mouths.

Season 4 of Top Chef, brought one of the biggest boosts to women in the culinary world. The Final episode pitted two women and a man off against each other. Richard, Stephanie, and Lisa. Also, the sous chefs included chef and co-owner of the Spotted Pig, April Bloomfield (who is arguable one of the best chefs in the country). Stephiane went on to win the finale, even though many felt Richard should have won. Her victory helped prove that women can hang in more than just the house holds kitchens.

It is an undeniable fact that kitchens are tough and cut throat. Many people can't take the heat. But, the future needs, and is starting to, recognize what is on the plate and not was sex is under the coat. And with the help of women such as April Bloomfield and Stephanie from Top Chef our generation will hopefully realize that we need great cooks, make and female.

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