Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our Generation

As time progresses so does our food. Each generation adapts previous dishes to better fit the generational needs. Our parents were part of generation of simplicity. Television began to broadcast shows based around cooking in the home which encouraged more young cooks to step in the kitchen. T.V. Chefs such as Julie Child showed a generation how make simple and good. Dishes contained simple flavors that allowed families to have good meals at home.

While Julie Child helped jumpstart the new fad that is food television, the newer shows such as Iron Chef America and Top Chef have began to form an all new breed of young chefs. These new shows have helped make the transition from easy home cooked meals to giving people the knowledge to create complex sophisticated dishes. Times of families cooking meatloaf and Mac and cheese are changing; families are now grinding their own meat and making their own Mac and cheese while adding ingredients such as peppers, roasted garlic, onions, shallots, and herbs. The newer television shows are bringing five-star cuisine out of the over-priced restaurant and onto the plates of families.

Our generation is also becoming more and more technology driven; we live in a time where a five year old can run a computer better than their grandparents (or parents in some cases). That focus on technology has carried over to the food of our generation. More and more chefs are bringing incredible uses of technology into their food. Take Chef Wylie Dufresne, executive chef at WD -50 in New York: Chef Dufresne is considered my most to be a mad chemist rather than a chef. All menus in his restaurant are edible. Dufresne also makes use of many interesting chemicals to make normal everyday ingredients have completely different textures and tastes; (flexible fois gras, fruit foams, and many other unique culinary ingredients).
While each generation while makes its own impact on the culinary world, we as a generation must not forget those before us. It may be up to us to make an impact on the food our generation creates, but it is also up to us to preserve what is great about the food before us. More and more chefs may be adding foams and gastriqes to their menu but a simple soup and perfectly cooked steak will never go out of style.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Review-- Craftwood Inn

Colorado is home to many fine ingredients that are often over-looked in today's culinary world. However, the Craftwood Inn in Mainatou Springs, offers guests the opportinunity to induldge in many of Colorado's finest culinary delights. Located in a log cabin on a hill above the small mountain town, the restaurant allows you to enjoy a romantic night out. The menu offers a variety in wild game and allows the guest to test their palate at the seletion of Colorado Cuisine.

Excutive Chef and Colorado native, Jeff Knight brings a simple yet elegant flair to seasonal local ingridients suh as peasant, wild boar, elk, bision, venision, trout, and of course world renoun Colorado lamb. Each dish is served in order to showcase the ingredient at its finest form. Chef Knight presents each item as it should, without other fancy ingredents masking the beauty of each protien, they stand alone.

The Craftwood Inn is the perfect restaurant for the special date or if you want to show someone the quality of Colorado Cuisine.

Terriayki wild boar
Peasant wrapped in phylo dough

Rating: 4 out of 5
Price: $$$ ($-$$$$)

First Course

I once described college as, "high school with more booze and less parents", and as I finish my first year that while my first impression was correct; college is much more of a unique experience. The late night streakers down the hall, the smell of "special herb" emitting from your neighbor's door, and of course the food. Most of my friends will remember the food as dressed up cafeteria meals, but it was those meals that friends conversed, students studied, and new friendships were forged.
Food is used around the world as an international ultural bridge; a good meal can cross any language. A good plate of food can offer a freshman micro biology major from Flordia and sphomore fashioin design major from Spain, one common trait-- their enjoyment of the food infront of them.

This blog is my colletion of diferent topics related to food-- resiepies, restaurant reviews, and opionions on current culinary topics. The goal is to bridge the gap and to help others bridge the gap and fordge friendships that will last a lifetime. I have gained a passion for food and its powers that has had a major impat on myself and those around me....... Ihope that this blog can help you share my passion, or discover a new passion.

I encourage you to leave feed back on any post I make...... Tell me about my restaurant review...... suggest a new restaurant.... tell me ideas for dishes.... give me feedback on my recipies.... or ask a question you wish and I will try and answer it.

Jarrod Saunders